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We at Dana Electro Acoustics are very interested in evaluating the developments in science and technology and the possible applications in audio engineering. Right now there are many emerging technologies that promise incredible audio improvements. However, often the claimed improvements are actually cost advantages, and not the true audio performance enhancements. That can be good news too: for example it is quite astonishing how good the new sound compression algorithms perform when compared to old cassette tape. Unfortunately, very, very few loudspeakers are capable of reproducing all audio information that even such compressed format can provide, and that sad fact is not publicized at all.

True technological advances in audio electronics are neither obvious nor definite, so we at Dana Electro Acoustics apply simple rule: When our current designs can be acoustically outperformed by another technology development, we will deliver it to our customers. Until then we are absolutely confident that our designs simply sound better.

Many good ideas revolve around concepts that are impractical to realize; that can be due to high costs of finished product, or difficulty in ensuring reliable operation. While high cost will not deter us, reliable operation and long service life is of paramount importance to us.

Foundation #1: DanA will utilize any old or new technology as long as it delivers the best audio performance and the ultimate .

Dan A active crossover provides dynamic, life like reproduction of transients